

Anchored in Faith (6th - 8th)

Anchored in Faith (Grades 6th-8th) is a middle school youth ministry that leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church. Our goal is to strengthen the faith of middle schoolers so that in high school that can put their faith into action and give their yes (their FIAT) to the Lord.

Sessions offer middle school teens an enriching experience with their faith while growing in fellowship. We meet Wednesday evenings in the Hall from 6:00PM-7:30PM. 

Follow our Instagram account @sje_teens

Important Dates   2024-2025


August 21                            KICK OFF    “Anchored Olympics”

September 4                        NO CLASS

September 11                     Parent Meeting & Mental Health Awareness

November 6                        Circle of Grace Lesson (diocesan requirement)

November 27                      NO CLASS - Thanksgiving break

December 18                      NO CLASS - Exams

December 25                      NO CLASS – Merry Christmas

January 1                            NO CLASS – Happy New Year

March 5                               NO CLASS – Ash Wednesday

March 19                             NO CLASS – Spring Break

April 16                                NO CLASS – Holy Week

May 14                                 Summer Send off

Parish ministries currently interested in recruiting volunteers:

Altar Servers (Mass time of your choice), Scott Mimbs altarservers@stjohnvirea.org

Music Ministry (Instrumental and vocal), Heidi Pranzoni at hpranzoni@stjohnviera.org

Media ministry (running screens at Mass), Heidi Pranzoni at hpranzoni@stjohnviera.org 

Assisting children's faith formation (Sunday morning or Thursday evening), Kelli Salceda at ksalceda@stjohnviera.org

You can become an adult volunteer at our weekly gatherings, also called Core Members. Parents of the teens, we are always adding to our list of adults who are willing to occasionally help out "behind the scenes" at special events throughout the year. All adults (Core Members or parents) interested in being involved in any ministry involving minors must complete Safe Environment Certification. Please click here to view the instructions, and contact Schonda Rodriguez if you have any questions.

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