The Knights of Columbus Council 6125 is a Catholic men’s Fraternal Benefits organization following the virtues of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. We are in solidarity with our Priests and Seminarians. Organizations we have donated monies/volunteer time to: Special Olympics Brevard chapter, the Very Special Arts at the Zoo, Devereux, Harmony Farms Horses for Handicapped, Adult Handicapped Citizens, St. Mary’s Food Pantry, Pregnancy Resources, the Challenger Handicapped Baseball team, and continually help Veterans in our local area. In addition, we help individuals and families based on need. The Council’s social activities and dinners provide ample opportunities to meet new people from our Parish community.
Grand Knight Tony Spadafora 321-637-1122
Catholic Gentleman, become a Knight!
Join Us / visit our website:
The Ladies Auxiliary acts as a charity arm of the Knights of Columbus and provides the fellowship to help women grow intellectually and spiritually. The Ladies Auxiliary is open to all women of the St. John the Evangelist Catholic Community.
Join Us / visit our website: K of C Ladies Auxiliary webpage