St John’s Adoration Chapel is currently open 7 days a week from 7am to 8pm. We're looking to expand those hours in the coming weeks. We would like to have at least two people to commit as Weekly Adorers for each hour. > Click Here to Sign-up for a Weekly Commitment
Is the Lord calling you to a closer relationship with Him? Please consider signing up to be with Him for one hour each week. It is easy to sign up. Our new online system makes it easy to ask for a substitute for your hour if something comes up and you are not able to make it. You are welcome to pray for any amount of time. You are also welcome to sign up to be on the list as a substitute adorer.
When you arrive at the Adoration Pro website, click on the “Weekly Commitment” button and follow the instructions for signing up for a weekly 1-hour commitment. You may sign up for more than one hour. Just click on the “Weekly Commitment” button again and repeat the process. If you have any questions about or during your sign up, please email Thank you!
– Please sign in when you arrive for your Adoration time. There will be a sign-in sheet on which to enter your name and times in and out.
– If you have committed to a specific time as an Adorer but are unable to be there, please visit and click on "Find a Sub." If you wish to change your weekly commitment, please email
– Please be reliable if you volunteer to substitute for one of the committed Weekly Adorers.
– Silence is the general rule for the Adoration Chapel. There should be no communication between individuals in the Chapel or the entryway. Anyone entering the Adoration Chapel, either at their committed time or as a guest, should encounter silence.
– Children should be instructed in proper behavior in the Adoration Chapel before entering.
– You may use an electronic device for prayer purposes only. Please, make sure the device is in “silent mode” so as not to disturb others.
– If you need to take a phone call or talk with someone, step outside of the Chapel. Please either go outside the building or into the corridor connecting the Church to the Chapel.
– Prayer pamphlets are provided for use while you are in the Adoration Chapel. Please do not remove these items from the Chapel or the entryway so that they will be available for others.
– No prayer or other materials may be left in the Adoration Chapel or the entryway without prior approval from the Parish Office.
– You may not bring any food or drink into the Adoration Chapel.
Feel free to visit often and stay as long as you are able. The perpetual presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is a great blessing for us all and will require the ongoing support of our whole parish.
The most beautiful form of prayer outside of the Sacred Liturgy, Eucharistic Adoration is the simple act of spending time before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, especially when exposed in a ciborium or a monstrance.
Although you can spend any length of time before the Blessed Sacrament, it is customary to spend one hour in Adoration. We receive this tradition from Jesus' words to His Apostles in Matthew 26:40:
“So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?”
Be patient.
God works in His own time: we are His masterpiece, and the best art takes a long time. Even more so, be patient with yourself; no one is an "expert" in Adoration.
Be peaceful.
God speaks to us in the quiet of our hearts. This means we need to be okay with silence in order to hear Him.
Be present.
The world is filled with constant distractions; try your best to leave those outside these walls. While you’re here physically, be here mentally and spiritually too!
While just being present, in silent communion, is the ideal for Eucharistic Adoration, most of us have a need to spend some of our time with the Lord in prayer or meditation.
Here are some traditional ways to pray and meditate during your time with the Lord:
1. Pray the Psalms or the Liturgy of Hours
2. Read and meditate on Sacred Scripture
3. Pray for yourself and others using personal prayer or the Rosary or other devotional prayer
4. Read a book by a well-known and respected spiritual author
5. Write in a prayer journal