The goal of the FIAT (Faith In Action Teens) high school youth ministry (Grades 9th-12th) is to lead teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and his church so that they can give their "Fiat", their "yes" to God and put their faith in action through service.
Youth are encouraged to attend the Sunday evening 4:30PM Mass.
Optional social/fellowship time with snacks is 5:30 - 6:00 pm.
Catechesis is 6:00 - 7:30 pm.
Follow our Instagram account sjeteens.
Parish ministries currently interested in recruiting volunteers:
You can become an adult volunteer at our weekly gatherings, also called Core Members. Parents of the teens, we are always adding to our list of adults who are willing to occasionally help out "behind the scenes" at special events throughout the year. All adults (Core Members or parents) interested in being involved in any ministry involving minors must complete Safe Environment Certification. Please click here to view the instructions, and contact Schonda Rodriguez if you have any questions. We are always accepting donations (cash/check) at the office front desk as well. When you invest in this ministry, you are investing in the leadership training and spiritual growth of our teenagers we guide them on their journey to becoming Catholic young adults. Your support in any way is truly appreciated!