Dear Friends,
At the outset I want to thank those who faithfully responded to the call by our Bishop John Noonan to participate in Our Catholic Appeal (OCA) 2023. By your participation you made St. John’s very proud. You helped us not only to make our contribution goal but even to exceed it!
However, despite all the appeals we made for each of you to participate in OCA 2023, only 43% did so, which saddens me even now. If the parish in Mims, with 79% participation, can make the top of the chart for maximum participation, why can’t we here in Viera do something similar – or even better? This is a puzzle that I can’t seem to solve.
I bring this up now because we are launching OCA 2024 this weekend. We do so with a renewed hope and faith in you and in your astounding generosity. This year is very special to us because we are prominently featured in the OCA 2024 Video as Builders of the Sacred Space, our astoundingly beautiful Grotto of our Lady of Lourdes. Through this video, the entire Diocese of Orlando will come to know about it.
I know all of you have received by mail the appeal letter from Bishop John Noonan. I know some of you have already sent in your contribution, and some of you have it ready to dispatch. I know that for some there is already true eagerness to participate. I love to see that enthusiasm spill over.
It is incredibly important for us to support the Diocese’s outreach to each and every parish in the diocese, including ours, to serve their growing needs. Equally important is the Diocese’s wide-ranging outreach to those in need financially, materially, mentally, psychologically, and spiritually. We have received immense help from the Diocese, especially their expertise in many fields relevant to our campus projects. Our Grotto is a huge testament to the Diocese’s assistance.
I have so many things to look out for and take care of this year. Please, let’s move quickly to fulfill our OCA 2024 contribution and participation goals. This will allow me to get on with the business of focusing on a lot of really good stuff waiting to happen at our parish. Will you help me? I count on each and every one of you.
This past week was full of activity! I genuinely want to thank those couples who attended the RE-FOCCUS retreat on Saturday, 27 January. It was inspiring to hear the speakers present ways and means by which a couple can hold their marriage together despite the inevitable challenges. A huge thanks to Gregg and Janice Cheshire for coordinating this event to benefit our married parishioners.
The highly anticipated International Festival is only a week away! Please make sure the event is marked on your calendar: 4 February 2024. A lot of people have put in many, many of hours to make this event a memorable one. Please help us by contributing a pack or case of water bottles and/or canned sodas for the event. Please drop them off in the lobby of the Parish Life Center, in the reception desk area. This is how the event will flow:
What a blessing it is to be part of this lovely community and to celebrate the distinct gift of unity in diversity as people of God united in our faith in the Eucharistic Lord.
As we move into the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B, we are challenged by Scripture to pay heed to the Lord our God who speaks of His ultimate love for His people not only through the various prophets but also and most especially though Jesus Christ, His Son. Jesus taught with the authority only He could muster as God-Man. So, let us join the Psalmist as we sing: “Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord; let us acclaim the rock of our salvation” (Psalm 95: 1-2).
Next weekend, come prepared to stay after Mass to get your throats blessed in honor of St. Blaise.
Have a Blessed Week!
With love,
Fr. John