Dear Friends,
This time of year, our children are returning to school, and we wish them God’s blessing on their new school year and protection from all harm, spiritual and other. We extend a warm welcome to all the children beginning their Faith Formation classes here at St. John’s.
This weekend we celebrate the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time. For the last two weeks, and in this and the following week, we are treated to the most critical theological passages in the New Testament — namely, Chapter 6 of the Gospel according to St. John.
This Sunday, we read the passage where Jesus insists that he has been sent by the Father as the bread that came down from heaven. This really shook up those listening to Jesus. By saying this, Jesus in fact is claiming to be divine. Moreover, he firmly states that no one can have eternal life without coming to him. (John 6:41- 51)
In our first reading this weekend is from 1 Kings 19. In it, we are given a glimpse of why Jesus calls all to partake in this new bread from heaven. The prophet Elijah has been journeying through the desert, trying to escape those trying to kill him. Worn out by the burden of the burden of fear and the difficulty of the journey , he just gives up, saying “This is enough, O Lord!” Then God sends an angel with a hearth cake and a jug of water to sustain him. The angel tells Elijah, “Get up and eat, else the journey will be too long for you!” (1 Kings 19: 4-8)
Isn’t this true of our Catholic lives, too? We are journeying through this arduous life, at times reeling under the weight of all our preoccupations and challenges. We feel like just giving up on our Catholic faith. Do we not then sound like Elijah when he said, This is enough, O Lord? But then comes the reassuring word of our Father: “Get up and eat, else the journey will be too long for you.” Jesus has given us his own body and blood as the food to sustain us on our journey to our true homeland. Who would not desire to take advantage of this precious gift? Let us not hesitate to approach the table of the Lord in the Eucharist. May hunger for Jesus in the Eucharist far exceed our weariness. May He continue to satiate our hunger and awaken within us an ever-deeper longing to be close to him.
Last Tuesday, 6 August, was the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. On that day we began a special month-long event to celebrate God-with-us in tangible form in the Eucharist: A Holy Hour Challenge! How many Holy Hours can you give to Jesus from 6 August – 15 September? Have you responded to this challenge yet? If not, why wait? Please go to our website and sign up at . Pope Benedict XVI said it so well: “The act of adoration outside Mass prolongs and intensifies all that takes place during the liturgical celebration itself.”
We thank all our men participating in the Christ Renews His Parish Weekend. Like the women last weekend, they too are having a spiritual blast! We are grateful to the Team that is hosting the event. Each Team commits to and carries out a 6-month-long preparation for each weekend. This preparation is designed both to aid their own spiritual growth and to ensure that each weekend is an absolutely unforgettable experience for the participants. May the participants and team members alike carry the fire ignited during this weekend out to their families and friends, sharing with them their renewed love of the Lord.
In an effort to enhance and strengthen the marriages of our parish families, we have invited Fr. Arul Raj Gali, C.S.C. to speak to us on the importance of practicing forgiveness in marriages. The event is from 10:00 am to Noon on Saturday, 17 August 2024. We are created for relationship, but in the course of building a good marriage, we inevitably are wounded. In order to keep moving forward, we cannot simply sit and nurse our wounds. The only way forward is to learn how to forgive. Fr. Arul Raj is the National Secretary to the Conference of Catholic Bishops India and has been involved in the Retrouvaille and World-Wide Marriage Enrichment programs. Please do not pass up this opportunity to help keep your marriage on the right track – even the best marriages will find lasting benefit.
Did you participate in our long journey of reading in small, easily digestible doses the wisdom from one of the greatest theologians of our times? Over the last two summers, we have read one of Pope Benedict XVI’s masterpieces, the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis. The concluding portion was in our 4 August 2024 Bulletin. I sincerely hope that you read these little portions as an aide to renewing a grateful appreciation of the great gift of the Eucharist. Just in case you did not, or if you missed reading some of it, here is the link to this great treasure. Reading it will help you relish every moment of the Celebration of the Eucharist:
Have a Blessed Week!
With love,
Fr. John