

Second Sunday of Lent, February 25, 2024

SJE Admin • February 25, 2024

Dear Friends,

What a blessing it was to host the funeral Mass for Fr. Bob and his sister Sally Hoeffner on Tuesday, February 20. It was very sad to lose two such lovely people who served the Lord in their own way so dearly. It was so good to see that so many came to pay their homage.

We received many complements and words of gratitude from the Bishop, the Chancery Staff, the Priests, the Deacons and those attending, especially the Hoeffner family. Gerry Hoeffner, the brother of Fr. Bob, was in tears when told me how much the family was in awe of all that we did for them. Kudos to all the different ministries for doing what you do best, all the time. Some of those who came spoke to me of joining our parish. Thank you for modeling so well St. John’s spirit of hospitality!

As we journey with Jesus with enthusiasm in the beginning days of Lent, please know that there are a multitude of opportunities here to lift you up spiritually. The goal of Lent is to draw closer to Christ. This can be measured by how closely you walk with Jesus in his suffering.

As we plumb the depths of Jesus’s love for us in his willingness to take up the Cross, do not hesitate to converse with him about your crosses. You will find in that conversation a God who knows you intimately, who offers you the consolation you need. I had the privilege of celebrating the funeral service for Kathryn Connor (103) on Monday, 19 February. Her obituary portrays well this woman of strong faith: “Kathryn knew at an early age that having a personal relationship with the Lord was important. She gave her life to the Lord. Kathryn said ‘the Lord gave us the power to love,’ she was a true saint to all that knew her. She never had a bad word to say about anyone. God did not promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.” If you have personal relationship with the Lord for such a long time, then it is obvious that you would know the power to love and the power to suffer, too. Find in Christ the comfort you are looking for as you carry your crosses.

Jesus found his comfort when he went up to the mountain where he was transfigured in the presence of his close friends and disciples, Peter, James and John. This is the passage we will hear at this Sunday’s Mass. The Gospel of Mark (9: 2-10) tells us that Jesus heard his Father speak to him through a voice that came through the cloud: “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him!” This is the way the Father God offered his beloved Son the comforting reassurance that he is with him as he looks to the Way of the Cross.

There are indeed two mountains on our journey of life. The popular American author David Brooks talks about these two mountains in his book, “The Second Mountain.” He speaks of the first mountain, called “Ambition,” which is all about our accomplishments. It is all about me. Brooks says that this journey can end in catastrophe. Many ambitious people climb to the peak of the mountain only to find that something’s missing. Then begins the journey for a deeper meaning, which takes them to the second mountain, called, “Vocation.” On this journey, your life is defined by fervent commitment as you listen to God.

Jesus knew that the first mountain of Transfiguration was only a stop along the way to his final destination: the mount of Golgotha. There the Lord’s disciple finds another type of glory of the Son of God. Peter’s attempt to stay on the mount of Tabor for good would not work. We must take the road to the mount of Calvary to discover the glory that lasts forever.

Please do not forget that we will have our Lenten Parish Mission on March 4-6 (Monday to Wednesday) at 7 p.m. each night in the church.

We are all set to go on two pilgrimages this year: a 12-day pilgrimage to The Shrines of Ireland (July 22- August 2, 2024) and a 6-day pilgrimage to The Shrines of Canada (September 23-28, 2024). Please call or stop by the office for the Registration Form.

Have a Blessed Week! With love,

Fr. John

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