Dear Friends,
Congratulations again to our children who received their First Communion last weekend. Congratulations to their parents, grandparents, and godparents! I hope you are very proud of our children. I truly pray that you will continue to support these children in their faith journey. A special thanks to Kelli, our Director of Faith Formation, and our Catechists Janie Rodriquez, Sonia Santiago, and Monique Rivera Vargas for their tireless dedication to training our children.
Please join us for daily Rosary at 6.30 p.m. in the Grotto during the Month of May in honor of our Blessed Mother. This time of prayer is in addition to the Rosary in church after each daily Mass, which is led and prayed faithfully by parishioners dedicated to this ministry.
Congratulations again to Deacon Steve Lumbert and his daughter Karina Lumbert Fabian, authors of the book There You Are, God ! Thanks for your generosity in offering the proceeds from book sales here to St. John’s.
I also wish to thank those who responded to my call to serve our parish in various ministries that need help. For those who have not chosen a ministry, I ask: please do not hesitate to be involved. It is your parish and your family. Please do not just be a spectator. I am incredibly grateful to all those who have volunteered and support us by their service through so many ministries.
Thank you to all who attended the two presentations by Dr. Mary Soha on the History of the Devotion to Our Lady of La Leche and Her Confraternity and on the Defense of the Eucharist – The Story of the Martyrs of La Florida. A huge thanks to Dr. Mary for her dedication to her mission.
We celebrate our Mothers today, and I want to thank all those who undertake the sacred duty of mothering. In this group I include grandmothers, aunts, sisters, and godmothers as well. Your presence in our lives and in the life of our parish is a huge blessing. You help us to remember and celebrate life, a thing not to be taken for granted. Your passion to pass on the faith to your children and grandchildren is unparalleled and unrivalled. Your role in shaping the faith and values in your family is indispensable. No one else can take that place. We THANK YOU for the multitude of sacrifices you make to keep our families intact. In short, U R Irreplaceable! Your heart is so special that it moved St. Thérèse of Lisieux to say, “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.”
Please take a moment today to honor your mother: visit her; call her; send her a card and/or a gift; go with her to Mass, the greatest gift of all. Don’t forget to tell her that you love her. There are so many mothers who are neglected by their children. And so, we pray for mothers who are not well understood; who are not cared for; who are tempted to despair; who are addicted; who are in difficult situations; who are tempted to abort. We pray for single mothers who sometimes must bear the heavy burden of mothering without any help. May all these know of God’s love and our prayers for them. WE LOVE YOU MOMS! Please continue to keep the flame of faith bright in the hearths of our homes.
Lest we forget: on Mother’s Day we also recognize the special gift that Christ gave his church: our Mother Mary. He bequeathed her to us when He said from the Cross, Behold, Your Mother. He invites us take her into our homes, just as St. John did. There she continually shows us the way to her Son. It is fitting, therefore, to honor her also on this special day and to ask for her intercession. She is not only the Mother of God, but also of all the Faithful.
Our liturgical celebration today is the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord. Traditionally, the Ascension is celebrated 40 days after the Resurrection, which this year was on Thursday, the 9th of May. However, in this Diocese and many others, the celebration of the Ascension is moved for practical reasons to the Sunday after Ascension Thursday. What do we celebrate? The task given to Jesus has been successfully accomplished. He is now “seated at the right hand of God,” from where He continually intercedes for us. Through Christ’s Ascension, we are given a place in God forever. As Pope Benedict XVI said, “We draw close to Heaven; indeed, we enter Heaven to the extent that we draw close to Jesus and enter into communion with him.”
From the Feast of the Ascension through the Saturday before Pentecost, we are called to intensely prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit. It is therefore fitting and appropriate that we pray this beautiful prayer, the Veni, Sancte Spiritus! sequence (Come, Holy Spirit!):
Come, Holy Spirit, and send out from heaven the ray of your light. Come, father of the poor; come, giver of gifts; come, light of hearts. Greatest comforter, sweet guest of the soul, sweet consolation. In labor, rest; in heat, temperateness; in tears, solace. O most blessed light, fill the inmost heart of your faithful. Without the nod of your head, there is nothing in man, nothing that is harmless. Cleanse what is unclean, water what is parched, heal what is wounded. Bend what is inflexible, warm what is chilled, correct what has gone astray. Give to your faithful, who trust in you, the sevenfold gift. Give virtue's reward, give salvation's end, give joy eternal.
Have a Blessed Week!
With love, Fr. John