

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, October, 6, 2024

SJE Admin • October 6, 2024

Dear Friends,

The month of October brings with it many blessings by giving us opportunities to reflect on some key aspects of our Catholic faith. The U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has designated the month of October as Respect Life Month. This impels us to pause and thank the Lord for the gift of life as we pray for the protection of human life from conception to natural death. Our Faith requires us to work to create and support a culture that cherishes and protects every human life. In October, we are called to:

  • work for the legal protection of human life
  • support policies and service ministries that assist mothers
  • extend compassion to those suffering from participation in abortion

This year, the USCCB calls us to focus on radical solidarity with women who are pregnant or raising children in difficult circumstances.

We in Florida are faced with a critical, abortion-related issue this November. A confusing and devious amendment to the Florida Constitution is up for vote in the coming election. Please make yourself aware of what Amendment 4 actually would put in place as a constitutional right in Florida. The best way to learn what’s at stake is by going to the website of the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops, https://flaccb.org/ election-materials-and-guidelines .

Please know that October is also dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary; we celebrate her feast on the 7th of October. We have an amazing place at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, where we will gather and pray the Rosary every day of the month of October at 6 p.m. Let us renew our commitment to that wonderful prayer and entrust our own deepest needs to Our Lady, whose mission is always to lead us closer to her Son.

I am happy to announce the launching of yet another ministry. This one is designed especially for parents of the teenage children in our FIAT and Confirmation Programs. I have been wanting to give these parents an opportunity to really get involved in our ministry to teens. The new ministry will bring these parents together on the Sunday evenings when the teen programs meet. The parents will gather to prepare and serve a meal for their teens. They will work closely with Schonda Rodriguez, our Youth Ministry Coordinator, to create a loving community of adults and children. The ministry is designed to show, in a very practical way, that our parents are truly committed to and care about their children’s faith formation. Their gesture of love will allow the teens to see and appreciate that their parents want them to be nourished both physically and spiritually.

I am grateful to Kelly Rosas, who has come forward to lead and coordinate this ministry. We are calling it the “Carlos Acutis Teen Nourishment Ministry” (CATNM) in honor of the amazing teen who will be canonized as a saint in 2025. I urge every parent to sign up and participate. The work involved will be more fun and less demanding if shared by many. Kelly can be reached at kargator@gmail.com.

I am grateful to Brother Tom Giumenta, C.S.C., and Cheryl Sansone for their willingness to be the core team for our new Spiritual Direction ministry. If you think you might be interested in availing yourselves of this ministry, we are offering an Information Session on Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 6 p.m. in Holy Cross Hall. Please come and learn how you might benefit.

As we step into the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B, the scripture readings focus on Jesus’ most demanding teaching about marriage. When questioned by the Pharisees about marriage and divorce, Jesus invites them to remember what Scripture teaches. The book of Genesis (1:27 and 2:24) lays it out clearly. It tells of humanity’s primordial nature and our God-given call to bonds of partnership. The Gospel of Mark (10:8-9), echoing Genesis 2:24, gives us the essence of the bond of marriage: “the two shall become one flesh. So that they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate.” Let us pray for our wonderful married people and for the lovely witness they offer.

Have a Blessed Week!

With love,

Fr. John

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